Monday, November 23, 2020

Connected in this time of the Corona Virus


“I am so thankful! Finally, I feel as if someone really understands me! We had so many problems with the kids we are trying to reach. We love them and we know that we are called to work with them, but we were becoming desperate and it seemed that nothing we did had a positive effect. But now I understand where these problems come from, even better: we know what to do, to start solving them!”

This is just one of the students’ responses from the second online Introduction to Children at Risk. This time we had 80 students from over 30 different countries. Most of them are working in missions with YWAM or other organizations. Some of them live in countries where Christians are being persecuted for their faith. Others work with the poorest of the poor in refugee camps in Africa or the slums in India. Some work with existing projects that have been functioning well for many years, and others are pioneering new efforts.


It is wonderful to hear and read how the different teachings are of so much help to different people. But especially in this season of the Corona virus, how it helps people to connect in a different way. To discover that in so many different countries and different situations, people are engaged in the same kind of work, helping and reaching children in need with God's love. During the course, we see the students suddenly discover, for example, that there are other students working in their same country. Or that there are missionaries on the other side of the world with the same kinds of ministries and the same kinds of problems! It gives a very special sense of connectedness!

Second module

In the meantime, we are starting to get the hang of online teaching. We are now working hard to organize a follow-up course, the second module, for students who have taken the introductory course. We’re adding new topics, which go a little deeper into the lessons we’ve taught in the introductory course. At the time of this writing, 103 students from 45 different countries have already registered. It is so encouraging to see their enthusiasm!

Where are you? 

We are staying in our little cabin in the small town of Ermelo, which is right in the woods, one of the most beautiful spots in Holland. In fact, we are rediscovering the beauty of this tiny country all over again.

All our kids are doing well. In this uncertain time of Corona, it can be quite challenging, but of course this is true for all families around the world.

Pieter and Melissa cannot travel outside the USA right now, so we are meeting with them and our grandkids through Zoom.

Michele and Romeu are planning to come to Holland for a well-deserved furlough. Their kids, Igor and Eva, have not been able to go to school this whole year. They are looking forward to attending school during this furlough in Holland and spending time with some other children again.
Eva playing Maria

Johanneke and Jonathan are waiting to see what is going to happen in England. If schools there would close again because of a new lockdown, they might consider coming to Holland for a while, as their three daughters would be able to follow their online classes from anywhere.

Dilma and Davi are fine. Their daily activities are continuing for the time being. They are part of a higher risk group for COVID, especially Davi. So that is an extra concern.

But we also see how richly we have been blessed.

All around us and all over the world, so many people are affected by all kinds of difficult situations caused by the Corona virus--worries, pain and sadness. We pray for all who are passing through difficult times and hope that these problems will motivate them to seek God and get to know His love in an even deeper way.

God, the loving father

Over the last couple of weeks I´ve been contemplating the story Jesus told about a father and his two sons. Most of you will know it well. Jesus told it to the spiritual leaders of his day who were frustrated that Jesus didn´t behave properly according to their standards. He would hang out and eat with people of bad reputation. “Why would Jesus do that?”, they thought. “Won’t this destroy his own reputation?”

So Jesus told them the story of the two sons. The youngest disrespected his father in the most horrible way by asking for his inheritance and soon wasting it on trivial pursuits. What caught my attention recently was that, when the son decided to return to the father, he did it with selfish motives. He had lost everything—his money, his friends, his identity… he was a lost son. He had no food, but at his father’s place, he imagined, even if he were only employed there, he would be much better off. He had not yet realized how much pain he had caused and apparently wasn´t very sorry about it. But the father, when he saw the son coming, ran towards him and embraced him. Don´t you think the father knew that his son had come back because of his own troubles and just wanted a better life?

I do think so. How often do we behave in the same way with God? We seek him because we are in trouble and need his help, but are we really sorry about the wrong choices we’ve made? Still, God comes running towards us when we take our first steps in his direction, and even when our motivation is wrong, he is happy to meet us!

It showed me again the amazing, extravagant, love God has for us all. We pray that in this coming Christmas season many lost sons and daughters will take steps in God´s direction. They will be so surprised when God comes rushing towards them to embrace them in his arms.

May we all again this Christmas understand in a deeper way the immense love God demonstrates for us in sending His Son, the Lord Jesus, to earth to take our sins upon himself.

We wish you a wonderful Christmas and a very blessed new year!

Much love from Johan and Jeannette


Prayer points:
  • Please pray with us for the students who live and work in very difficult situations and often experience dangerous and challenging circumstances. That God will protect them and give them new strength and wisdom daily.
  • Let us pray for all those who have been seriously affected by the Corona virus—physically, psychologically or economically. And pray for protection for those not yet affected.
  • For governments around the world where so many differences are seen. That there will be wisdom in communication, safety and protection in the fight against this virus.
  • And that through it all, many people will, even this Christmas, take their first steps in God´s direction!

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