Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Will you travel with us, around the world?

We hope you all enjoyed the summer as much as we did! Johan and I went camping in England and took our granddaughter Iara with us on the way back, to bring her to Heidebeek, a YWAM base in the Netherlands, a few days later, where her adventure began with a Evangelistic Go Team that was going to the Olympic Games in Paris.

How special to bring her to this Youth with a Mission Campus, where we ourselves did the DTS, Michele and Romeu 30 years later, and now Iara, the third generation of our family. She too has special stories to tell about getting to know God better and to make Him known! What a blessing!

Then Dilma and Davi came to stay with us for two weeks of vacation, and we ended it with a day of boating near our hometown, together with ten of our children and grandchildren. How wonderful to be together like that, we enjoyed it so much!

In Jaipur, India, a CAR school for the first time

And then it was time to pack for our big trip, so here I am writing this letter from Jaipur, India, also called the pink city. There was just a heat wave here, with temperatures over 45 C degrees. Luckily, it is now in the 30s, which is warm to us, but people here complain that it is chilly!

Our friends Andrew and Eliane and their children picked us up at the airport, and were immediately given beautiful flower garlands.

Rajasthan, a state with only 0.1% Christians.

We know Andrew from the time we held a Children at Risk School (CAR) in Kolkata in 2008, where he was one of our students. He joined us in Brazil where he met Eliane while she was taking the CAR school in Belo Horizonte in 2009. They got married and have since led many CAR schools together in India, Brazil, and South Africa.

I remember when we came to teach at one of the schools in India, Andrew had a list on his door with the states of India and the percentage of Christians in each state. He told us even then that he felt called to go to one of the most unreached states, Rajasthan, where only 0.1% are Christians, to be a light there. So that is where they are now, and this is the first time that a Children at Risk School is being held here.

Celebration in the church

We teach every morning and afternoon, and on Sunday Johan was invited to preach in the local church. It was a family service, together with the children, and it became quite a party! The pictures speak volumes! What a privilege to praise and serve God together with these Indian brothers and sisters.

On Saturday we hope to visit Peter (from the Netherlands) and Rupy (from India). Peter was also a student in one of our CAR schools in Belo Horizonte and has since started several schools here in New Delhi for children from disadvantaged neighborhoods. His wife, Rupy, completed the two online CAR School modules with us.

After that visit, we hope to fly on, on this big trip of almost 4 months. Our next stop is Manila, Philippines, where we will attend a large international YWAM conference.

In Richmond, USA, and in Marco Zero, Brazil, a CAR School will be held for the first time.

Then we will fly on to Richmond, USA, where a CAR School will be held for the first time. We will teach there until the end of October before flying to Belo Horizonte, Brazil to teach for a few weeks at a new CAR school in Recife. We hope to return to the Netherlands in early December.

We would like to thank all of you for your participation with our adventures, our "travels" around the world, the classes we teach and the missionaries we train. Thank you for your support in prayer and finances. We wish you God's rich blessings!

Prayer Points

- Will you also pray with us that all the young people who are being trained in these CAR schools to work with children in need will be encouraged in their work, learn a lot, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit put what they have learned into practice in their own cities and countries?

- That many children will come to know the love that the Lord God has for them?

- Will you also pray for all our travels, that they will be without problems and for our health?

- And especially for Davi's health, which is always quite delicate.

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