Monday, October 6, 2014

Davi's surgery

Here is some news from our side, especially about the upcoming surgery of Davi. As some of you may remember, our youngest son Davi (27), was born with Spina Bifida and as a result became paraplegic. 

One of the other symptoms is that his bladder keeps cramping all the time, which in turn deteriorates his kidney function so much that 2 years ago, his doctors told us he needed hemodialysis. 

But against all expectations, we believe because of a miracle, his kidney function improved to about 45%. To keep this stable he will need another surgery to create a urinary stoma. This is a big surgery in the abdomen and is planned for the 8th of October. If all goes well, he will still need about two weeks of hospital care.

Davi has already undergone lots of operations, mostly on his spine. In Brazil it was always possible for me, Jeannette, to go into the operating theatre until the anesthetics took over. We thought that might not be possible in Holland, but to our surprise both the surgeon and the anesthetist approved it. This is a great consolation for Davi who also has an intellectual disability, and is a bit fearful to go into surgery.

We are in Holland for a couple of months right now, as we knew this surgery was planned. We also moved our office over here as well, which wasn´t too complicated as our office only consists of two laptops! While preparing for the surgery we are busy working on our next book, and doing a lot of planning for future Children at Risk schools around the world, where we train young people to start projects, working with children in need.

Please pray with us for Davi during the coming weeks.

We´ll try and post regular updates on our blog and Facebook.

Thanks for standing with us.

We wish you all God’s richest blessings!

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