Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Children at Risk Schools open in the US and India

Just a few days after camping here in the Netherlands at a huge Christian festival with 60,000 participants, together with Dilma and Davi, 3 grandchildren and a friend, we left for Richmond, where we were invited to teach at the Discipleship Training School (DTS) about working with at-risk children.

YWAM Richmond

It is a wonderful YWAM base, and after the classes we also joined them twice a week for "outreach", an evangelism program in a nearby neighborhood, where the students under Johan's leadership had set up a program for the children.

The intention is for this YWAM base to set up a permanent project among the needy children, and so we hope to go back there in September to help pioneer the quarterly Children at Risk School (CAR School) and to train staff to do this work full time. 

We had a great time at the base and it was so nice to get to know the staff and students there a little bit.

An extraordinary cloud!

Davids tent

It's only an hour and a half drive from Richmond to Washington, so we took a look around. The most remarkable thing was that since 2015, YWAM has been allowed to set up a large tent, "David's Tent", right in the middle between the Washington Monument and the Capitol, on a wide green lawn about 1.6 miles long, where prayer and worship take place around the clock.  What an amazing opportunity and testimony!

Good friends

Then we drove to Miami for our flight back. On the way we had a chance to visit Scott and Becky, good friends who ran the CAR school with us in Rio de Janeiro during the 2016 Olympics. It was so great to see and talk with them again!

Big trip

In the meantime, we are preparing for our big trip from Aug to Dec. We have been invited to Jaipur, India in August to teach at a Children at Risk School with Andrew and Eliane. Andrew has helped with all of our online courses and has also led several quarterly Children at Risk Schools in Brazil, South Africa and India. This will be our first time in Jaipur, Northwest India, and we are looking forward to it. From there we hope to go on to the Philippines (2 weeks), Richmond, USA (7 weeks) and Brazil (6 weeks). But I hope to tell you more about that in a future letter. 


For those who are going on vacation this summer, we wish you a very happy and relaxing time: God's rich blessings!

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